Monday, July 16, 2007

Mother Earth Speaks...

first, a haiku for you:

typhoon and earthquake:
natural disasters NOW!
will make people think.

whoa. while I was writing that I felt another tremor. (hence the "NOW!") That's my second earthquake ever! Actually, it probably was the same one? I took geology last semester (actually, it was an amazing class that I really recommend to science and non-science people alike), but I don't remember if that happens or not. This has been an interesting twenty four hours:

Yesterday: a typhoon hit Tokyo. winds were intense and so was rain.
Today: Earthquake registered at 6.8 but was in the 2 to 3 range once it got to where I was--sitting in class taking my first test. I thought it was some annoying kid behind me kicking my chair, until I looked back and there was no such kid.

but yes, I am fine. Thank you everyone for all the concerned emails and messages. I will write another post soon. I do want to write about environmentalism in Japan. Random acts of nature got me to thinkin'...

PS: I bought a shirt for 100 Yen. That's like $.84! It has apples on it.
PPS: The cheese, basil, and tomatoes that I bought off the street from a random vendor made a great salad. yummmm. but it could've used some balsamic vinaigrette dressing.
PPPS: I read the first chapter of the perks of being a wallflower. thank you Michael, it's a beautiful book. favorite quote so far: "We accept the love we think we deserve." and now I'm listening to the Smiths.


Anonymous said...

<3. I'm glad you're safe and well, Monica!! -Wendy

Popeye said...

i like this quote. i am taking it from you!

also, i just imagined you being crazy and happy in japan and it made me smile :)

sophia said...

apples?! tee shirt?!

on2 said...

OMG!!! Typhoons?? Cheap T-Shirts?? I miss you!!